Monthly Archives: November 2008

Day 5

Woh . . .today was a struggle after yesterdays failed attempt. . .much of the “why bother” attitude flowing through. But after a swift kick up the ass – it was time for day 5. Legs and back.

Now my legs are still feeling weak after the pylometrics on day 2, just running up the stairs brings the burning right back in! So a routine focusing on legs was FAR from what I wanted. But – must be done!

So, another hour routine which was based around lunges/squat positions and pullups . . good ole pullups!

It was another tough one – similar to day 1, but I struggled through . . again taking the mentality to do what I can properly, not just push myself and hurt myself again. By the end I was knackered, sodden with sweat, out of breath and ready to colapse! So I think I pushed just enough.

Was has disappointed me though – is I forgot about the abs routine . . again. Now the biggest problem I have is my gut/abs. . so missing it out 2 times in the first week and one lame attempt isn’t really going too well. I may try to fit them in tomorrow. . + Kempo!

Another thing I’ll mention about all these routines – is you don’t need a gym to do them in. No machines for leg extentions etc, just your body and possibly some dumbells if needed. Also there is usually an “extra” you can add into most things for the extra burn.

So – nearly 1 week down. . couple of breakdowns along the way, but if I can do Kempo tomorrow + abs X I’ll be very happy and ready for week 2. My weight has dropped to its more normal 16 3-4, but nothing else. I’ve semi dieted down to 15st 13. So until my weight hits 15st 7 I don’t see a reason to celebrate. But when it does. . OH YEH!! But tomorrow will not help. . apart from the beers tonight, we’ve friends coming round tomorrow and I’m doing a mexican. . .those calories are gonna kill me. While I’m not doing the full diet – I am trying to be better. . .honest!
