Category Archives: P90X

The fun I had doing P90X!

Day 5

Woh . . .today was a struggle after yesterdays failed attempt. . .much of the “why bother” attitude flowing through. But after a swift kick up the ass – it was time for day 5. Legs and back.

Now my legs are still feeling weak after the pylometrics on day 2, just running up the stairs brings the burning right back in! So a routine focusing on legs was FAR from what I wanted. But – must be done!

So, another hour routine which was based around lunges/squat positions and pullups . . good ole pullups!

It was another tough one – similar to day 1, but I struggled through . . again taking the mentality to do what I can properly, not just push myself and hurt myself again. By the end I was knackered, sodden with sweat, out of breath and ready to colapse! So I think I pushed just enough.

Was has disappointed me though – is I forgot about the abs routine . . again. Now the biggest problem I have is my gut/abs. . so missing it out 2 times in the first week and one lame attempt isn’t really going too well. I may try to fit them in tomorrow. . + Kempo!

Another thing I’ll mention about all these routines – is you don’t need a gym to do them in. No machines for leg extentions etc, just your body and possibly some dumbells if needed. Also there is usually an “extra” you can add into most things for the extra burn.

So – nearly 1 week down. . couple of breakdowns along the way, but if I can do Kempo tomorrow + abs X I’ll be very happy and ready for week 2. My weight has dropped to its more normal 16 3-4, but nothing else. I’ve semi dieted down to 15st 13. So until my weight hits 15st 7 I don’t see a reason to celebrate. But when it does. . OH YEH!! But tomorrow will not help. . apart from the beers tonight, we’ve friends coming round tomorrow and I’m doing a mexican. . .those calories are gonna kill me. While I’m not doing the full diet – I am trying to be better. . .honest!


Day 4

Well today turned out to be a bit of a disaster. Work had been pretty hectic . . so I didn’t get to start when I had wanted to, but I got changed went down ready to GO FOR IT!

Today was Yoga – now I’ve never done it, know about it . . or seen it. I’ve only heard you fart lots during it!? So I start it up. . and off we go. . . but I couldn’t really. It was clear at the time you cannot do Yoga while looking at a tv screen, you need to KNOW what you are doing in each move (or at least have a good idea) otherwise when you are head down in a position and he says warrior 2 – you don’t have a clue.

So after about 15 mins (and I’d broken a sweat) I called a day to it and stopped it. My plan is to watch it separately once or twice and see how it goes the next time I try. . .

Just means I have to work extra hard tomorrow!!


Day 3

Day 3 arrives – and my quads are still aching. But not too bad . . so I am going to start my first every day 3!

Well a long day at work – the odd twinge in my legs reminding me I have another routine to do today. . . and before I know it, it’s time to start!

Will I make the full 90 day program? No idea . . but a day at a time for now. I’m really hoping I can see progress after a week, even if it is just that I’m finding the routines slightly easier to do.

Well day 3 is Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper. Now I should have done Ab Ripper on Day 1 as well. . . but I was destroyed. I think I have realised after today that I need to do this separately not straight after the main routine. It is just too much. . . but more on this later.

So – today is weights. Now when I used to goto the gym, I did various exercises with dumbells and reached 25Kgs weight. Now this isn’t that high in comparison to many I expect – but was good progress for me. What is REALLY hard to swallow – is that now I am using 6kg weights and struggling. I am going for higher reps (12-15) in most cases to be LEAN not BIG. But I did find that I will need to lower this to approx 2.5Kg if I am going to maintain my goals in reps. I thought I was stronger than this.

So the program starts with a gentle warm up – again I’ll say the warm up/cooldowns seem to be just right in these routines. Specifically targetting the muscles you are about to exercise. So warm up done and the various curls/shoulder presses etc commence. Now in most exercises I could do a minimum of 8 reps each time (remember you have 3 exercises you do, then REDO them straight after). But one that I failed at miserably was the chair dips. Wrong type of chair, wrong style. . have no idea, but I couldn’t do more than 1 or 2 each time. I didn’t seem to even be able to lower myself and get back up properly. Now this may be just because I’ve got alot of weight and weaker muscles. . or wrong technique. I’m hoping over the next couple of weeks there will be a difference.

As said earlier – I am finding I will need to drop my weights down a bit, but – I think there is light at the end of the tunnel 🙂

A long and tiring routine later, but I’m happy as I know I pushed . . but didn’t hurt myself. Well – I say that – but I did pull my quads a bit. After the beating they took yesterday, they were still a bit tender. One exercise (I think I did it wrong anyway) was in a squat position doing arm curls. Obviously sat in a squat position kinda killed my quads again. I found this the most painful ache after the exercise! But – after a couple of lots of deep heat – it seems alot better.

So – Ab Ripper X!! This is a 20 min routine purely focusing . . on . . go on guess it. . . ABS! Now situps have ALWAYS been my weakest area, even when I was fit. Making this worse – was I was knackered from the routine I’d just done. Hence my comment above about NOT doing it right afterwards in future. Anyway – first exercise was effectively a full situp straight legged. . no support. Guess how far I got 🙁 This really put me off and I was close to just switching off at this point, but I forced myself to continue. I do have a sit up support bar I may try and used for next time . . to at least get a few out.

But 20 mins of this – a VERY poor showing. . put a bit of a downer on day 3. But still day 4 tomorrow and I’m now further in the program than I’ve been before!!!


Day 2

Day 1 completed – few aches in the morning, but generally not too bad. I think I slept ok. .

So it is a normal day at work – I fit the workout in when I can get the time . . usually towards the early evening. I’m actually REALLY not looking forward to today – more than yesterday! Today is Pylometrics, a solid calorie burn and 1hr of squats & jumps in different styles. This last exercise I did on my 1st attempt, after 20 mins I couldn’t stand up. . and still had 40 to go! I knew what I was in for. . and wasn’t looking forward to it. It was about now I started to wonder if I should really be doing this. . I’m sure there were other things I could do. . . but I kicked myself and started the program.

So – I press play. . and start. Even just during the warm up I find I have to stop, there is burning in the muscles and there is a forest fire! So right from the start I was struggling with this program. Which in ways . . . is good! Why? It means I have lots of progress to make before I outgrow it so to speak. I am hoping next week when I do this again that I will manage more.

So – 1hr of squats/leaps/jumps, again 20 mins in I’m dying. I am regularly finding I can only do 5-10 reps in each exercise (they are doing 25+), and what is worse. . in each daily routine there is always a woman in a group. . and it is frustrating to be out exercised in this way. So what could be worse?? Well squats/leaps/jumps – and there is a guy in the group with a prosthetic leg!!! A one legged guy is doing this!! But – the way the whole P90X program is built, the encouragement during the routines is excellent. It pushes you – but also encourages you to take breaks when you need etc. It helps build you up.

I finally finish this hour. . and during the cooldown just think OMG why am I doing this. I feel so tired and my legs are like jelly. But a short time later, after my shake and a relax while my heart rate comes anywhere near normal. . .I start to think YEH!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! – Day 2 is complete!
